Wow what a summer it has been! I have lost count of the number of classes I have taught this summer, but I haven't forgotten all the happy faces and lovely people I have met over the last 2 months. Thankyou to all the participants this summer, both regular and newbies who have joined in the fun. It's been so lovely to receive encouraging messages of support and feedback along the lines of what a positive effect the classes have had on people's mind and body. Usually by the last week of August I'm shattered and need a holiday myself! But this summer I'm buzzing with positive vibes! When you feel so much positive energy around you it really lifts you up and helps you stay strong.
Only one more week of the summer time table before my September time table starts. If you want to join any of the classes or organise a private class then check out my time table below for August -
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
8h45 Yoga stretch 65+ | 8h45 Vinyasa Yoga KP studio | 8h45 Yoga stretch 65+ | 9h30 Yoga stretch and relax KP studio | Private classes only | 10h00 Yoga in the Park |
10h00 Pilates Luchon Gym | 10h00 Yoga Luchon Gym | 10h00 Pilates Luchon Gym | 10h45 Yoga private class | ​ | ​ |
11h30 Pilates KP studio | 11h30 Yoga private class | 11h30 Pilates KP studio | 11h30 Yoga private class | ​ | ​ |
​ | 15h00 Yoga private class | ​ | 15h00 Yoga private class | ​ | ​ |
​ | 16h30 Yoga private class | ​ | ​ | ​ | ​ |
